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Club Projects Archived

Shrimp Race
Club Projects

The Sea Island Rotary Shrimp Race

The Sea Island Rotary Shrimp Race

5,000 rubber floating shrimp will be dropped into the Beaufort River adjacent to the Waterfront Park. Each shrimp will have a unique number 0001 through 5000. The shrimp will float naturally with the tide toward a finish line marked with two floating buoys. The first 10 shrimp to cross the finish line receive the following cash prizes

  1. Place.....$2,000
  2. Place.....$1,000
  3. Place.......$750
  4. Place.......$500
  5. Place.......$250
  6. Place.......$100
  7. Place.......$100
  8. Place.......$100
  9. Place.......$100
  10. Place.......$100

In addition, the top 100 shrimp have a chance to win a new car or boat if their shrimp number correctly matches the randomly selected "Lucky Number" by Odds On Promotion, a third party insurance company, prior to the start of the race.

Adopted shrimp numbers will be randomly assigned by race officials at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the race and will be immediately posted at the site of the race along with the adopters name.

Race results will be announced at the conclusion of the race at Waterfront Park, and then later on this website. You do not need to be present to win. If you are a winner you will be contacted by a member of the Sea Island Rotary Club to claim your prize.​​​​

Shrimp Sponsorship Program

Smile Mobile


April 2020 marks the third year of free dental care provided by the Sea Island Rotary Smile Mobile. Since Rotary International’s motto is “Service Above Self,” Rotarians are always seeking opportunities to serve their fellow man. Several years ago, after volunteering with the South Carolina Dental Association’s DAD (Dental Access Day) project, Dr. Chuck Ingle and Dr. Edward Wise became acutely aware of the large number of people who, for various reasons, were unable to attain basic dental care in the Beaufort area. Many would go for months and sometimes even years suffering from dental pain and infection. This presented a unique opportunity for Sea Island Rotary Club to develop an ongoing service project which could have a huge impact on dental health in the community.

Dr. Ingle initiated the organization of the project and fortuitously learned that Beaufort/Jasper Comprehensive Health had just received a new two-chair mobile unit. Working with Mr. Roland Gardner, Executive Director of BJCH, they developed an agreement which allowed the Sea Island Rotary Club to use the vehicle monthly on Saturdays for their “Smile Mobile Clinic.” BJCH generously agreed to maintain the truck and equipment while the Sea Island Rotary took care of supplying volunteer dentists and all other expenses.

The Smile Mobile became a reality in 2017. Since its auspicious beginning, the clinic has treated over 266 patients and provided dental services worth $132,000. Sources of funding have been provided through the Sea Island Rotary’s annual “Shrimp Race,” held during the Beaufort Shrimp Festival in October, as well as through cash donations from Access Health Lowcountry Grants, Bluffton/Jasper Volunteers in Medicine, Lowcountry Rotary, United Way, Dentistry@ Habersham, and Marshlands II Family Dentistry.

The participating doctors are all volunteers, and without their generous contribution of time and talent, the project would not be possible. The Sea Island Rotary Club would like to recognize the following local dentists who have served in the clinic over the past three years: Dr. Ian Barnard, Dr. Ashley Covington, Dr. Chuck Ingle, Dr. Emerson Gower, Dr. Christian Greenwalt, Dr. Patrick Kline, Dr. Bob Koolkin, Dr. Michael Langehans, Dr. Chris Maly, Dr. Pete Smith, Dr. Charlie Wade, Dr. Will Waninger, Dr. Edward Wise, Dr. John Wise, and Dr. Bruce Wyles

Other individuals who from the very beginning have played vital roles in the program’s success are Mr. John Perrill, Ms. Debbie Slazyk, and the two permanent staff members, Mrs. Jennifer Gourdine and Mr. Ramsey Bythwood. Mr. Perrill and Ms. Slazyk carry out most of the administrative tasks which keep the project running smoothly. Mr. Perrill coordinates the non-clinical volunteers (mostly Rotarians from Sea Island Rotary) who take vital signs and register the patients. Ms. Slazyk handles the patient appointment scheduling as well as applying for and administering grants. As the coordinator of clinical services, Mrs. Gourdine ensures that the clinic is run in the most efficient manner, ensuring sterilization of supplies, patient triage, and proficiency of radiographs. Mr. Bythwood serves as the transportation director. He drives and maintains service of the Smile Mobile as well as helps out with registration and patient flow.

Because the Smile Mobile is providing definitive treatment, it is necessary to limit the number of patients and work by appointment only. The main sources of patients have been the ER at Beaufort Memorial Hospital, the Good Neighbor Medical Clinic, Bluffton/Jasper Volunteers in Medicine, and Access Health (which coordinates appointments).

​​​​​​​The Smile Mobile’s success has been made possible through the efforts of many dedicated volunteers. In order to maintain the viability of the program over the long term, more volunteers are needed, particularly dentists – active or retired. Anyone who would like to become a volunteer may contact Dr. Chuck Ingle at (843) 271-9672, email: docingle@gmail.com or Dr. Ed Wise at (843) 812-0666, email edwise720@gmail.com. Working together, we can build a stronger and healthier community.

Chipping In & Making A Difference
Chipping In & Making A Difference
shaking hands
golf carts
looking down the fairway
swinging golf club
group photo 1
group photo 2
This spring the Sea Island Rotary Club is hosting our 2nd Annual Chipping In and Making a Difference Golf Tournament at The Legends Golf Course on Parris Island.

Please join us Friday, April 22nd, for our 4 Person Captain’s Choice Tournament. Lunch will be provided for all players, prior to play, starting at 11:00 am. Registration will begin at 11:30 am, with a Shotgun Start at 1:00 pm. First through 4th place prizes and proximity prizes will be awarded.

100% of the proceeds from this event will assist in supporting the following signature Sea Island Rotary charities:
  • The SMILE Mobile, a mobile dental unit that treats underserved adults in the Lowcounty areas of Beaufort, Ridgeland and Okatie
  • Scholarship programs for local high school and university students
  • Uniform program for local school students
Since our founding in 1980, the Sea Island Rotary Club has raised over $1M for local charities, funding scholarships, supporting other community services, as well as, contributing to causes led by Rotary International like Polio Plus with the eradication of polio and helping communities gain sustainable access to water, sanitation, and hygiene worldwide.

Registration forms for play, and sponsorship opportunities may be found within this link. For any questions, please feel free to reach out to the tournament chair, John Schueler at 847-533-4808 or johnschueler4808@gmail.com

​​​​​​​We look forward to seeing you on the 22nd of April for a great day of golf on a beautiful course accompanied by fantastic prizes, food and fun!
Randy Wall Scholarship
Randy Wall Scholarship
Congratulations 2021 High School Scholarship Recipients

Sea Island Rotary’s Education Committee identified three high school seniors (one from Battery Creek High School, one from Beaufort High School, and one from Whale Branch Early College High School) to receive the Randy Wall Memorial Scholarship. Each of these students was awarded a $2,000 scholarship during their Senior Awards assemblies. WBECHS’s recipient was Emily Hatchett who plans to attend Clemson University and major in English. Battery Creek High School’s recipient Dallin Morgan has been accepted and plans to attend Brigham Young University and pursue a Business Management Degree. Beaufort High School’s recipient Trinity Myers has been accepted at both Clemson and USC and will study toward a career in law. Congratulations to Emily, Dallin and Trinity! Sea Island Rotary is very proud of you.
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