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Shrimp Race

Sea Island Rotary Club 2024 Shrimp Race

Oct 05, 2024 Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

The 16th Annual Sea Island Rotary Shrimp Race is in the books! It is always so fun to come together to raise funds for our awesome projects! Thank you to everyone who purchased a shrimp- we literally could not do what we do without these funds! The 2024 Shrimp Race winners are listed below.
Unfortunately, the $30,000.00 Grand Prize was not awarded this year.

But here are the winners who crossed the finish line in the Top 10:

1st place $2,000.00: Steve Mix
2nd place $1,000.00: Wendy Cartledge
3rd place $750.00: DC Gilley
4th place $500.00: Teri Maude
5th place $250.00: Tenille Wychott
6th place $100.00: Kathy Baxley
7th place $100.00: Grace Grammer
8th place $100.00: TJ Elliot
9th place $100.00: Sally Kneisel
10th place $100.00: Nan Polgardi

We look forward to the 2025 race so that the Sea Island Rotary Club can continue to raise much needed funds to help charities and perform service in our communities!
Club Projects
Thank you for visiting our 2024 Sea Island Rotary Club Shrimp Race Purchase Page. We are Glad You Are Here.
The Sea Island Rotary Shrimp Race

How Does the Shrimp Race Work? Five thousand floating shrimp will be dropped into the Beaufort River, from a working shrimp boat, adjacent to the Henry C. Chambers Waterfront Park. Highly trained and motivated rubber shrimp will mount their inner tubes and take to the water on Saturday, October 5th, as the Sea Island Rotary Club presents the 16th Annual Charity Shrimp Race in conjunction with the 2024 Annual Beaufort Shrimp Festival. Each shrimp will have a unique number 0001 through 5000 randomly assigned to it and they will float, with the tide, towards the finish line marked by two large buoys.

What Could I Win? Could you be as lucky as our 2023 Shrimp Race winner who was awarded the Grand Prize of $30,000? Your Shrimp sponsorship purchase will be your first step in a chance to win the Grand Prize for 2024, of $30,000. But wait! Also accompanied with your Shrimp Sponsorship is a chance to be one of the first ten winners to cross the finish line. Cash prizes for these winners are as follows: 1st Place: $2000, 2nd Place: $1000, 3rd Place: $750, 4th Place: $500, 5th Place: $250 and 6th through 10th Place: Each place wins $100!

What Does My Sponsorship Support? Your donation would be applied directly to services we provide, such as our dental care program for those who are underserved, uniforms programs for local elementary and middle schools, scholarships for local public high school seniors, support for our Battery Creek Interact Club, support for our Coosa Elementary Earlyact club, our Little Free Library at Shanklin Elementary School, just to name a few. Cast your net and help our community through your sponsorship of a shrimp.

What's the Where and the When? Meet us downtown at the waterfront park to help cheer on the Shrimp as they make their way from the nets of a Sea Eagle shrimp boat to the finish line! We look forward to seeing you on October 5th, 2024. Stay tuned to the official Beaufort Shrimp Festival website, https://beaufortshrimpfestival.com for the official Shrimp Race start time. Don't miss out on this wonderful event.

Do I Need to be Present to Win? Of course, we would love to have you join us during the festival, but you do not have to be present to be a winner. All winners will be notified by a Sea Island Rotary Club member. They will also be posted on our Rotary Club of Sea Island - Beaufort Face Book page, as well as, on our website at www.seaislandrotary.org. Winner information will be posted within 24 hours of the conclusion of the race and contact with the winners will begin the following week.

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